Welcome to From Fear to Fire's Giving Back page, where we believe in the transformative power of collective contribution.


Imagine a world where each person and business recognizes their responsibility to give back, whether through time, talents, resources, or financial support. 

Led by Heather and the From Fear to Fire team, our commitment to making a difference is at the core of everything we do.

At the heart of our giving philosophy lies L-FOCUS (Leadership For Our Children’s Ultimate Success), a program designed to bridge the gap between today's leaders and the leaders of tomorrow. Through L-FOCUS, we connect exceptional mentors with promising students, nurturing a new generation of leaders equipped with robust communication skills, unwavering character, and a passion for positive change.

In a world hungry for leadership, effective communication, and meaningful connections, From Fear to Fire stands ready to lead the charge. Our mission is clear: to share invaluable leadership insights, energize communities, and inspire companies to embrace a new era of leadership.

Join us on this journey of empowerment, where thoughtful communication, strength of character, and intergenerational dialogue pave the way for a brighter future. Together, let's ignite change and leave a lasting legacy of impact.



OPTION 1:   Every company that hires Find Your Fire for a keynote presentation or training is contributing.  A portion of every program goes to a fund to give students that have huge potential and desire but no means a spot in our leadership intensives.

OPTION 2:   Leadership events are being held at high schools and colleges across the country.  Let us connect you with a local event.  When you sponsor an event our team will send press releases to your local media and promote your contribution to the community.

OPTION 3:   We are looking for additional companies to provide internships to the best of the best from our leadership intensives.  You get access to motivated students that have been trained on communication and leadership strategies and the students get a wonderful opportunity to strive toward during the program.

Please click here to receive information on how to help the future leaders of our businesses and our communities.