Hope for the Heavy Hearted

2016 held moments of a heavy heart for me…some of my choices were based upon fear and frustration, relationships were at times strained, and results were less than stellar.  And my mother taught me why.  She just didn’t know it.

Mom and I have had our ‘moments’ through the years.  Times where our differences have caused us not to see eye to eye.   We’ve allowed small irritations to annoy.  But through it all we both know the love is there.

Recently I spent time with mom….visiting retirement communities.  Hours of tours, questions, and budget discussions that could have provoked a flurry of our usual aggravations.  But this time was different.  Even though my mom is healthy for her age (other than her abysmal driving and aches in the joints) the act of visiting a retirement community drives home the brevity of life and the need to enjoy each moment.

Each moment of negativity that would typically frustrate me instead caused me to appreciate and come from love.  And the essence of the entire visit changed.  Sometimes knowing the love is there isn’t enough.  We must feel it and act on it and from it.

And that’s when the lightning bolt hit.  What if I had acted more loving throughout 2016?  Would things have been different?  My snide self answered, “Damn straight!”

Choices based upon love for self and others leave no space for fear and dissipate the frustration.  Coming from love in relationships remove strain and encourage cooperation and compassion.  The daily actions of love create an openness for opportunities and positive results.

In addition to my usual vision boarding and goal setting I enjoy so much this time of year, I commit to adding a special focus.  A focus on love.   I will record the process and my next blog will share with you the results.

Would you like to join me?


Questions and comments are always appreciated.  I look forward to hearing from you!  [email protected]



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