Finding Meaning with Mike Trugman

Finding Meaning with Mike Trugman

This week’s theme: Finding Meaning

Ever wondered, “Who am I? What truly matters to me? What do I really want?” These questions guide us on the journey to finding meaning and purpose in life. We’re all explorers on a unique quest to understand what it means to be human. Each of us seeks ways to feel alive and fulfilled, though our paths may differ.

In this episode, we dive into these questions, inviting you to explore your passions, purpose, and sense of meaning. Our guest expert offers insights and guidance to help you navigate your personal journey. Whether you’re looking to discover your true calling or deepen your sense of purpose, our conversations aim to inspire and empower you.

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace your Gifts and Achieve Success

This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their stories. Use tips from the breakthroughs of others to jump start your success. Speaker, author, adventurer, and host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire.  Today we talk about how to uncover profound truths and learn how to live a life rich with finding meaning and purpose.

Mike Trugman

Mike Trugman is a Professional Life and Public Speaking Coach who is passionate about well-being, and personal & professional development. He hosts a top 3% podcast, Mike’s Search for Meaning, dedicated to mastering what it means to be human, and believes in the power of the human spirit.

Before coaching and podcast hosting, Mike’s background was in public accounting. He has over 10 years of public accounting experience, with a focus on financial services (hedge fund and private equity) clients.

Mike currently lives in the greater New York City area with his wife and son. He loves reading, learning, cooking, spending lots of time outdoors, watching his beloved but usually struggling Knicks and Jets, and connecting with his friends and family.

Connect with Mike:

Websites: Mike Trugman Coaching

Social Accounts:
LinkedIn: Michael Trugman
Instagram: @mytrugofchoice

Quote of the Day:

“Man’s search for meaning may arouse inner tension rather than inner equilibrium. However, precisely such tension is an indispensable prerequisite of mental health.” ~Viktor Frankl


Have you heard about the new Elements of Adventure program??  Check it out here!

Also, Discovering Magic: At The Middle Of A Bench. Together, Let’s Rediscover Humanity at its very best HERE

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